One of the things that has always drawn me into gaming is my competitive nature. I have always gravitated to games that have had a vibrant tournament scene. This goes way back to my early college days with Magic the Gathering and then after college with the advent of Mage Knight and Mechwarrior: DarkAge. Back then the fun for me was to play the game in an organized fashion with people from all over, I even ran events for Wizkids Games as an Envoy back then. Shortly after the death of MageKnight I found my way into Confrontation 3 and got into the big competitive scene for that game. At one point I was driving up to four hours one way to play in a tournament. It was a blast back then and I have made some lasting friendships with those players. Like all things however Confrontation eventually came to an end and so did competitive gaming for me. I have tried to get into various games within the last couple of years I have been playing Warmachine and having a lot of fun with that but even that seems to be coming to an end with the latest releases for the game and the shift to larger models and what I feel eventually larger games which is disappointing. The game seems to be passing me by as I cannot increase my investment into the game in an effort to keep up.
On a brighter note it looks like Confrontation may be coming back with a new edition of the rules that have cleaned up a lot of issues with the previous rules. With the new rules will hopefully come a reinvigorated tournament scene that will at the very least bring us a national tournament at Gencon.
In the long run competitive was always going to slowly end for me as I grow older and my interests shift. I am starting to see that I am interested in a variety or games not just one exclusive one. I am to the point now where I am looking to own enough stuff for some of the second tier games just to be able to put the game on the table every now and again. I will end on that thought as I am working on an idea for a monthly game that will give people a chance to see these great games they have have normally missed because the local environment is focuses on a single game.
I am currently reading the Dark Age Apocalypse core book and will post up my thought on it once I have a change to get a few games in with my Dragyri.
I have my Dragyri army on my Work Bench along with some sci-fi terrain from JR Miniatures. I will post up some images of these models as work progresses.
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