Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Empire Project

Well its been a few weeks since my last post and I can say that those weeks have been pretty much crap. I haven't been able to get much gaming in due to a lot of family related stuff. I haven't even working on any models or anything. I did get the last bits of my order from Wyrd in finally so I guess that's a positive oh yea I also picked up another year in age as well but that's neither here nor there. Anyway after a lot of thought and some gentle prodding from a few friends I have finally decided to put all the metal that is just sitting in my closet to use and get back into Warhammer Fantasy Battles however I am going to be doing it without buying GW models hence my new project, that's the goal anyway. I am planning to take my Age of Ragnarok sized Griffon army and re-purpose them as and Empire army. I am also looking at doing a full Cynwall, High Elf army that is going to take a bit of work though. To do this I am planning on augmenting my exiting metals with the Age of Ragnarok plastics(repainted of course) I should be able to put together a fairly descent army. With that said I am still looking for metals so if any of my old Confrontation buddies(or friends of Confrontation Buddies) have any Griffon(plastics included),Lion(plastics included) or Cynwall collections(I am open to all conditions would prefer to see complete models paint conditions is irrelevant) they aren't using and wouldn't mind parting with for a modest amount please drop me and e-mail or Facebook message whatever. I am just tried of seeing these awesome models just sitting on the shelf.

Oh yea almost forgot. I am also looking for a Dwarven Chariot to convert into a Steam Tank...figures I would through that out there.

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