Friday, October 9, 2009

Gallery Updates and Blood Bowl!

I 'mmmmm baaaaaack! Well I never really left its just been a slow couple of weeks for gaming but I got some updates. First I was able to get some studio shots taken of my Malifaux miniatures and what is quickly becoming one of my favorite miniatures my Buccaneer. Special thanks to Totengräber for taking the time to take the pictures. In other news I have finally got some Blood Bowl in with my new Orc Team(soon to be named) and I can say it was a blast, not quite the same as playing online but I was able to see how the game worked pretty fast and implement strategies pretty quickly. Anyway that's all I got for today I am working on a custom pitch for my Orcs and should have a name for them soon. Check out those new images below and they have also been updated to the main gallery.

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