Friday, January 8, 2010

Post Holiday Post….

With the holidays taking up most of my primary gaming time there is not much to tell. I did get some painting down and completed a box of Sea Dogs for my Warmachine army. Other than that its been very slow on the gaming front but all that should change with the arrival of my Warmachine Prime Mark II book. I have only leafed through the book but it looks sweet as ever now I just have to wait for my Forces of Warmachine Books.

In addition to new Warmachine goodness I finally got my hands on Dragon Age: Origins and the only word to describe this game is Awesome…in the true original definition of the word. Bioware has simply created the best and most engaging RPG I have ever played and the the the cool part is they have contracted Green Ronin Publishing to create a pen and paper RPG which also looks promising and a game for which I will be getting shortly.

All in all I am kind of glad to see that the holidays are over and life and my gaming schedule can get back to normal. Maybe my blogging will get back to normal as well…….one can only hope

Oh almost forgot Who’s Yer Con has been announced, I will be running an introductory Dragon Age:Rpg game there at least one, possibly other games as well. Check this link at the top of the page for more information.

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